DIY: Hat Tricks
“Tun yuh hand mek fashion.” This is an old Caribbean proverb that means take what you have, however great or small, and make it work. With extra time on our hands, in the most uncertain of times, we are forced into this awkward space of quiet time. But it is anything but quiet in our minds. There’s concern, uncertainty and for some, panic even. But as the anxiety rushes in, as it undoubtedly will, one way to calm the waters is to sail to the deep recesses of your spirit-soul, and drown it out with creativity. Now is the perfect time to start a project, explore a new skill, or get to know yourself in a new way.
In today’s Weekly Dose, we’re exploring the wonders a little yarn and knitting needle can do. Our willing subject? A straw hat. So if you want to tun yuh hand and mek fashion, go and dig up an old hat of yours, grab the other items below and let the magic begin!
YOU’LL NEED: Yarn, knitting needle, straw hat, scissors, glue