Unlocking the Secrets to Healthy Hair and Nails

If there’s one thing we will always be chasing after it’s long luscious locks and strong healthy nails. There’s so much input and advice on how to achieve long hair and strong nails but there’s also a lot of crazy advice out there too, and you wouldn’t believe some of the lengths we’ve gone to for both. Often when it comes to achieving healthy hair and nails, the most common pitfall is for people to turn to expensive products and salon treatments that aren’t always sustainable or even effective. However, Mother Nature has provided us with some simple and effective ways to promote the growth of both hair and nails. One key factor is maintaining a balanced, healthy diet. Incorporating foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as biotin, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, can greatly contribute to the health of your hair and nails. Other foods like seeds, nuts, fish and greens and fruits are all proven to be extremely beneficial for our hair.

Not only foods but also liquids that we drink are crucial in promoting hair and nail growth. So, all that talk about drinking eight glasses of water a day? Yeah, take that seriously. Water is essential obviously for our overall health but did you know it is directly linked to hair and nail health? Dehydration leads to brittle and dry hair and weak nails but if you’re getting your eight glasses a day or ingesting foods with high water content, you’re looking at luscious locks and strong fingernails. If water isn’t really your vibe you can always try herbal teas or fruit-infused water to make things more interesting and appetizing. Also, let's not discount self-care. Stress is proven to lead to hair thinning and even hair loss so take into consideration getting regular exercise, reducing stress levels, meditating and other self-care activities. Getting a full nights sleep is the key factor in this because when we are resting our hair and nails are actually repairing and regenerating. So, don’t forget those eight hours and eight glasses, and we’d say you’re on the right track.

Style Sonata

We are Style Sonata –– a meeting place for the free-spirited and the adventurer at heart. Over the years, we’ve built a community of bon vivants who dance to their own beat and who live life passionately. And we believe in a new luxury –– the luxury of the authentic, rare and unique. 


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