Under Eye Examination

When it comes to skincare, why is it that we cater to everywhere else but the eyes? Well at least we do. Is it because this is the smallest feature and we simply forget or is it because we simply don’t know where to begin? Embarking on a journey to conquer dark under-eye circles requires a strategic combination of targeted products and mindful lifestyle choices but luckily it is doable. These shadows often stem from factors such as lack of sleep, stress, genetics, or aging. Fortunately, the beauty industry has responded with an array of solutions designed to brighten and rejuvenate the delicate under-eye area and we’ve got a few tips that we’ve found help us conquer this small but important part of our visage and since we already understand some of the known causes of under eye circles we can now better focus on how to target them.

Obviously eye creams are the first thing that comes to mind to remedy dark eye circles. Using an eye cream with vitamin C is a great place to start; this brightening ingredient is great for reducing pigmentation as well as enhancing the radiance of the under eye area. Retinol based products also go hand-in-hand with vitamin C as they’re rich with vitamin A which boosts cell production and tightens the skin under the eye. To help dark circles fade, you want to keep the area hydrated so opting for a hyaluronic serum or moisturizer combined with one of the aforementioned products could be useful. Hyaluronic acid is good for plumping, hydrating and reducing fine lines. Just as you might think drinking coffee is a good way to seem awake, using a caffeine infused eye cream might be more effective as it reduces puffiness and improves circulation.

Now there’s always a shortcut or shall we say easier way to deal with under eye circles and it won’t cure their existence but it can help conceal them. Using color correcting products can be an instant fix. Using peach or orange-toned correctors can neutralize the blue or purple undertones of dark circles before applying concealer. Concealer in a shade that matches your skin tone or a shade lighter for a brightening effect is also a good way to combat dark circles and while you’re waiting for vitamin C, A and caffeine infused products to kick in, there’s no harm in using a shortcut, right?

Style Sonata

We are Style Sonata –– a meeting place for the free-spirited and the adventurer at heart. Over the years, we’ve built a community of bon vivants who dance to their own beat and who live life passionately. And we believe in a new luxury –– the luxury of the authentic, rare and unique. 


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