Redefining Grownup
When I was younger, probably elementary and middle school age, I used to think when I grow older I will never be a boring adult! I think that I’ve kept that promise to myself while also making some adjustments as to what a “boring adult” is. I think when I was younger I thought it was seeing adults around me do the same thing day in and day out. However, now that I am an established adult myself I can say that having a routine is bliss. I enjoy my routine and tweaking it to make it work for me. Now that I am an adult I see the bliss in enjoying my morning coffee, the occasional yoga workout and a nice glass of wine with dinner (sometimes dessert.) I also enjoy changing and formatting routines for various days and occasions.
Medusa D'or Red Wine Glass
“If your 12-year old self could meet you today, what would she have to say about the woman you’ve become? This is a great way to keep in touch with our inner child.“