Finally! A Normal Sized Handbag!
In 2019/2020 we saw the rise (and domination) of the micro-mini handbag. Fast forward a few years and this year, in 2022, we see the return of the normal average sized handbag. I guess the micro-mini just had to take a few years to grow up. The “hobo” bag, the “baguette” and the “crescent” bag are just a few handbag styles I’ve got my eyes on this summer. It seems we’ve returned to what’s functional and are leaving behind what is simply just fashionable. They say it’s impolite to ask a lady her age, I think it’s impolite to ask how many handbags she owns simply because, well, it’s none of your business. However this summer I will be adding a few new additions to my family of purses and I rounded up some top contenders that you too may be interested in yourself.