Main Character
After grabbing dinner at one of my favorite Italian restaurants I decided to walk a bit before making my way home. As I was walking I was also enjoying a favorite pastime of mine: people watching. Simply observing those around me eating dinner, grabbing coffee and a dessert and doing some shopping. As I was sauntering down the crowded street I realized that each of these social groups, these people existing in the world were mere guest appearances or supporting actors of sorts in my life. Sometimes I think of my life as a feature film and I of course am the leading lady and everyone else are simply supporting characters that support my narrative. It seems like such a silly and obvious revelation but I was teleported back to adolescence when I had a similar epiphany. And that is, I am but a mere supporting actress or “extra” to these other humans. They themselves have their own feature films where they are the main character, the leading man or leading woman and I’m just a passerby, an extra. I think they call this “perspective...” Either way, I’m happy to support their productions in this tiny way but more importantly, I’m so grateful that I can still learn a new way to look at this life that is always surprising me and eager to see what else is just around the corner.
Flow Side-Zip Trainer Sneakers
“We are the stars in the movie that is called “life.” Don’t live life like an extra, embrace your leading role and ask yourself this: Am I a supporting character or the breakout star?”
Fendi "Flow" suede, leather and mesh fabric trainer sneakers.