Getting Scentual

We’re getting pretty good with these “clickbait” titles aren’t we? Well, it’s that time to check in with the who’s who of all things fashion. Did our title give it away?

Today it’s all about fragrance. Yup, perfumes and lotions and all of that delicious stuff.

You know a fragrance is something that is actually so personal and can instantly transport you back to a time, or to a place.

What does your time machine look like? 

Style Sonata

We are Style Sonata –– a meeting place for the free-spirited and the adventurer at heart. Over the years, we’ve built a community of bon vivants who dance to their own beat and who live life passionately. And we believe in a new luxury –– the luxury of the authentic, rare and unique.

What Would You do?


Guess Who’s Coming?