In Or Out?
I love discovering a new restaurant or cafe to experience on my own or with someone special. That exciting feeling of getting ready for dinner at a new spot hasn’t seemed to have changed since my college days but lately, especially since this pandemic, I’ve found new ways to discover (and rediscover) exciting opportunities around my own home. I’ve found great enjoyment in drawing a bath. Yes, “drawing.” New bath salts and exfoliators and bubble baths have reinvented the whole bathing situation for me. Simple things like a new recipe or even a new candle can enhance our otherwise “mundane” seeming lives. Those “simple” things, I’ve found have been the most surprising and I find myself often choosing these things over that swanky new dinner spot. Go figure.
Make it stand Kieran Belted Long-Sleeve Jumpsuit out
“What’s the difference between the mundane and the simple? Exciting and enticing? There’s a fine line drawn between them and sometimes that line is a line of lavender bath salts. How do you find joy in the ordinary? “