Angel Numbers - What are they exactly?
It seems like only a few years ago anything to do with astrology and horoscopes alike were the interest of a “certain crowd.” You know the type, hippies or people who let the universe guide them. If you were a part of this crowd, congratulations and apologies are in order, because we were from the other crowd. The naysayers, the skeptics and the nonbelievers. However a new tide has washed us over and shall we say that we no longer believe but we also subscribe; figuratively and literally. Yes, we check our horoscopes, we know our moon and rising signs and we also subscribe to apps like Pattern and Co-Star and receive our updates daily. There seems to be a new “trend” that we’ve seen pop up on our timelines and that trend is known as “angel numbers.” So what are angel numbers and what can we learn from them. Style Sonata explores...
Have you noticed that you are always seeing a sequence of numbers in the most random places? Perhaps you always catch the clock when it’s 3:33 am/pm or maybe you see address numbers with 888 or maybe you always seem to glance at the clock when it hits that magical 11:11 and you always make your wishes. These my friends are called angel numbers. Angel numbers are like little messages from, well, angels and they are coded in the form of numbers that repeat themselves. Some believe that these numbers are little hints from angels who are letting us know that they are present and watching over us. Each number has a different meaning or message. If you research online, different sources can vary in their description of each, but we especially love The Mantra Co.’s (@themantraco) breakdown of each number. Read below to find out what your angel number is trying to tell you and open your heart (and your mind) to the universe’s ongoing conversation with you.
111 “Intuition.” When you see this number, trust your gut and listen to your heart.
222 “Alignment. ” You are in the right place at the right time.
333 “Support.” Your spiritual guides are all around you sending you love, support and guidance.
444 “Protection.” The universe and your spiritual guides are protecting you.
666 “Reflect.” It’s time to wake up to your higher spiritual truth.
777 “Luck.” Wonderful things are about to happen.